Until recently I’d never really understood the saying – feeling comfortable in your own skin – but a comment made to me recently about the confidence I was projecting, got me thinking about how I’m currently feeling. The more I thought about it the more I knew that, finally, I do feel comfortable in my own skin.

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It’s taken many years to get to this point. I’ve always been a confident, optimistic, glass half full kind of girl. But through pockets of not so great moments my confidence got knocked. These moments affected my confidence in my body image as well as my skills and abilities.

As I’ve got older I’ve started to care less about how others think I should look. We’re all different and the physical imperfections that others think they see aren’t a concern for me. I’ve always been confident in my professional abilities but when someone is projecting their own insecurities on you, it’s hard not to question yourself. It took two episodes of this to realise it wasn’t me but them.

All of this leads me to my new confidence and feeling comfortable in my own skin. So what’s been the difference? Firstly I changed to a healthier eating regime. A few years ago I changed my diet for health reasons, it’s been a lifestyle change that I needed to make. I lost 23lbs and finally found my style uniform which makes the best of my new shape. Secondly, I’ve also found a place of work that appreciates my skills and abilities. I’ve always had career goals and working for a place which supports and encourages me makes me want to work harder.

I’ve seen first hand how precious our lives are and I don’t want to waste my time on people who don’t make me happy. I’ve come to understand no one is perfect, not even me. I hold the key to my own happiness and the only person I need to please is myself.

“As long as I am healthy and trying my best that is all that matters.”


What does feeling comfortable in your own skin mean for you?


Photo by Michelle Tennison

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