After her travels along the yellow brick road, Dorothy may well have been right in saying…..There’s No Place Like Home.

New York, London, Paris, Rome are all very well, but this is home

I love to travel and whether it’s a weekend away, a shortbreak or weeks at a time I always like coming home. As I step through my front door there’s a sense of familiarity and stillness. It’s a unique feeling and one that I never tire of. And of course there are my home comforts which make my home my sanctuary.

The things I enjoy most when returning home from travelling are:

My bed – I love nothing more than sleeping in my own bed. Through all of my travels there have only been two beds that have rivalled my own. The first was in a hotel in San Francisco eight years ago. The second was on Cunards Queen Victoria this August. I have a thing about my pillows, they have to be just the right firmness. I always struggle while I am away with pillows, although I have to say, the pillows on the Queen Victoria were amazing!

My first cup of coffee – I admit I am a coffee addict and the first thing I do, after dropping my bags at the front door, is head to the kitchen and put the kettle on. As much as I enjoy drinking ‘proper’ coffee there’s something comforting about that first one at home in my own cup.

My sofas – Everyone has always commented on how comfortable my sofas are and I can’t disagree. After grabbing a cup of coffee I’m settled with my feet up. Taking time to become familiar with my home again is important.

My spa inspired bathroom – I love my power shower. When re-designing my bathroom the shower was something I knew needed to be both a feature and powerful. I detest showers that are nothing more than a trickle of water or showers that are designed for tall people. So usually, not long after I step through the door I’m heading for my shower. That first shower, after travelling, is something that I relish and there’s certainly no rushing the experience.

My wardrobes – Although there is something to be said for minimal selection, I do prefer to have my clothes and accessories to choose from and not having to live out of a bag or suitcase. I usually re-discover items I haven’t worn for a while and start to experiment a bit more.



What’s the best part about returning home for you?


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