Motivational Monday – one word that will inspire your month.  With January behind us, but still in winter, I find these the hardest months to stayed motivated.  This month is all about staying:

Motivational Monday - Stay Focused

Last month I talked about setting yourself a SMART goal/s.  Not set yourself a goal yet? Take an hour and have a think about what you’d like to achieve.  This can be something small such as signing up for a class or something bigger such as renovating your home.  Then set yourself a timescale in which to achieve this.

February is about making sure you are staying focused on the goal ahead.  The key to achieving your goal is to concentrate on one activity rather than spreading yourself across many things.  So however large or small the goal you’ve set yourself, think how fabulous you’ll feel at the end of the month once you’ve achieved part or all of your goal.


The only time you should ever look back, is to see how far you have come.


It’s the possibility of  having a dream come true that makes life interesting.


Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.




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