Motivational Monday – one word to inspire your month. With the change of the seasons there’s a feeling of HOPE. With a newness in the air that makes it feel like anything is possible. Like a fresh beginning every three months.

Sunset in Cornwall

It is a feeling to be relished. With each season bringing it’s own unique beauty. There’s so much change within a short space of time that if you blink you can miss it. Hope is what keeps us believing something good is about to happen. Sometimes we have to play our part in moving things along. Whether your hopes are big or small it is worth spending time working out how you can create a path to lead you to your goal. Taking little steps rather then leaps will ensure you stay on track. It’s not about reaching your destination, it’s about learning from the journey along the way. With each step you’ll feel stronger and ready for the next. Hope lives in all of us, whatever our life experiences, and is something to hold onto, because without it we only have fear.


Life is unpredictable, it changes with the seasons, even your coldest winter, happens for the best of reasons, and though it feels eternal, like all you’ll ever do is freeze, I promise spring is coming and with it, brand new leaves

Life has a funny way of working out just when you start to believe it never will

What’s meant to be will always find a way

Never give up, great things take time

Hope but never expect…look forward but never wait



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